1) Puff sleeve shirt : Puff-sleeved shirts are all over the place as you all know.
Paris Hilton in a puff-sleeved shirt
At the beginning of this trend I wasn't really a fan of it because it reminded me the 80's puff sleeves (which I HATED but HAD to wear because my mum thought it looked really chic and trendy on me ggggggrrrrrrrhhhh!). I changed my mind the moment my eyes fell on this super cute demin shirt at Femi9 :))))
3) Silk Scarf:
Actually I got this scarf to match with my new shirt.I got it from Accessorize and because am REALLY obsessed with the idea of turbans , I bought a mini tube shirt (a bra-like shirt) from Bershka and combined it with the scarf to add a turban-like effect.
Now for the final look ! Taraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!And this is what I wore yesterday while having breakfast with my mumi :))

If you liked my buys and how I combined everything together plz do leave a comment :))) Thanx !
Oh yea! and if you wanna share your cute outfits plz do email me and I'll post your (altered) photo with the sisters! :))
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